Search Results for "defending"

Wreck Lawyers

Should You Hire a Traffic Accident Lawyer?

You have been involved in a road accident and are looking for a lawyer. It can actually be useful to enlist the services of a lawyer to defend yourself. However, this must correspond to a real need. This lawyer must also be specialized in road or traffic accidents and more […]


Causes of Genocides: Lessons Not Yet Learned

Genocide is deliberate extermination of a group of people. Usually those are ethnic, religious, or racial groups. Millions of people were brutally murdered through genocides over the course of history. Yet they happen anyway. Even a single genocide is one too many but unfortunately, there were more than a dozen […]


Our Body’s War With Inflammation

Did you know that inflammation is one of the contributing factors that lead to the onset of the following diseases? Autism Headaches Alzheimer’s Heart Disease Diabetes I & II Heartburn Hypoglycemia Inflammatory Bowel Disease Metabolic Syndrome Kidney Disease Cancer Parkinson’s Candida Respiratory Disease Rheumatic Disease Lyme Disease Q: What are […]


Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness for Women

Thousands of books, articles and editorials have been written concerning self-defense for women. It can be very confusing to sort through the many diverse strategies that are offered by leading experts. Some encourage resistance and some promote non-resistance. Some advise that resistive courses of action will deter predators and some […]


8 Tips For More Effective Employee Evaluation Process

Employee evaluation shouldn’t be a cumbersome job for the employer and the employee. When done the right way, it can make a huge difference in both individual and organizational performance. Conduct assessments more often, use the right attitude and use the right tools like evaluation templates to achieve better results. […]