Search Results for "variation"


Anticipated Car Models of 2014

While the past year has been delightfully full of sleek new models and innovative designs in the automotive world, it's never too early to look toward the future. In fact, the very nature of the automotive industry is to offer tantalizing glimpses at the newest models that leave people practically […]


Anchor Text in a Post Penguin World

With the Penguin 2.0 update that rocked the SEO world in late May, anchor text became quite a big topic of discussion in the SEO community. What level of exact match anchor text is appropriate to use in a post penguin world? What about partial match anchor text? How do […]


Current Eyeglasses Trends

You've had a really long day and are looking forward to simply chilling out on your couch while mindlessly watching reality TV re-runs. But as you settle into your customary spot, you feel something poking your backside. Unfortunately, it's too late to do anything about it; your lower body is […]


Common Blogging Mistakes

Blogging is typically a rich and rewarding activity when it is done properly. Most people have a blog to share information with the world. However, many bloggers also want to make money by attracting new readers. This is where proper marketing techniques are a must. If all that motivates you is […]


How to Avoid Anchor Text Over-Optimization Penalties

Most businesses realize the power of search engine optimization (SEO), but some get a little over-zealous and repetitive in their efforts. With 2013 bringing a rise in penalties due to Google’s Penguin 2.0 update, now is the time to rethink your SEO strategy and marketing efforts. Namely, you’ll want to […]

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Ingenious Uses for DNA Testing

From answering questions about long-lost relatives to solving complex crimes, the uses of DNA are many and varied. To demonstrate just how varied these uses are, here's a list of just some of the things scientists can use DNA testing to do: 1) Catch a Cheating Spouse Modern technology makes […]


Tackling Google’s Penguin Updates

When sites are hit by Google algorithm changes, it can sometimes seem like a long road to recovery. Indeed, website owners may be moved to express the view that it will actually be impossible to recover. The good news is that it will almost always be possible to get things […]


Improving Your Health With Tennis

Losing weight and improving the cardiovascular system is a very important topic in today's society. There is a problem with gym workouts and aerobic sessions: many people find them boring and find no motivation in them. This often results in heavy abandon rates as well as poor results for the […]

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Skyscrapers and Tubular Structural Systems

Fazlur Khan, considered the father of modern skyscraper designs is responsible for the tubular structural engineering designs, “It was his unique ability to bridge the gap between architectural design and structural engineering that truly set Faz apart from other structural engineers.” - John Zil. His designs transformed the cities skylines, […]


The Benefits of a Bread Machine

Bread has been a huge part of the staple diet for humans for thousands of years, and is eaten worldwide in loads of different variations and made with many different recipes, from flat pita style breads to crusty and floury Ciabattas to fluffy white loaves of English bread. The huge […]