Search Results for "Sports activities"


Chiropractic Treatments for Lower Back Pain

The lumbar disc is one of the most common health problems nowadays. It is not only painful, but also impairs mobility. Protruding lumbar discs can lead to pain in the sciatic nerve which affects the legs. In this case, it is best to look for chiropractic care. Pain is caused […]


How to Save for Your Child’s University Fees

The cost of sending a child to university today is staggering, so much so that many are deciding to forego higher education altogether and enter the workforce directly from high school. And while no parent wants to see their youngsters start professional careers under the strain of oppressive student loan debt, […]

Elder care Electronics

Must-Have Gadgets for Seniors

Safety and security are the two most important things that should be looked upon when taking care of an elderly. But when the elderly is living alone, these two become even more crucial. From being prompt on taking medication to summoning for help, today's technology offers a wide array of […]


Rights You Should Not Waive During DUI Arrest

Facing the consequences of an arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol or drug is no mean accountability given the possibility of paying fines, doing community work, maintaining ignition interlock device, and spending time in jail. It is thus a major reason behind the "not guilty" plea of defendants […]


Life after Cancer

Surviving cancer is a remarkable achievement that many paeple do not have the privilege to accomplish. While cancer survivors view their recovery as a blessing, it can sometimes be difficult for some to cope with how their life has changed. While undergoing diagnostic tests and treatment, many cancer patients had […]


Play Golf and Feel the Health Benefits

There are a great many sports and activities which can promote good health and a powerful feeling of self-worth, but they may not suit everybody. While the young and generally fit individuals can take to the gym on a regular basis, and perhaps play a little tennis, soccer or rugby […]


Tips on How to Stay Fit

In today's wired world, all you have to do when you need something is to make a call and order it in, or log on to the provider's website, where you can place your order and pay for it with plastic. Just about anything: food, clothing, sports goods, cosmetics, drugs, […]

Fitness Sport

Pros and Cons of Weight Training

Weight training is well known as a health inducing hobby. It serves to improve on many areas of your body, your life and even your mental health. As is with anything else, there are good points and bad points associated with weight training; however, you will probably find that the […]