Search Results for "wellness"

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Life-Changing Gadgets to Look for in 2016

Consumer Electronics Show 2016 took place just recently and the major highlights were the technology trends and the gadgets which are to be released this year. As we think of the recent years, there wasn't much difference in the show's big themes, though it stressed on ideas like the smart […]


5 Healthy Tips that Leads to a Longer Life.

It is always said that, we are a reflection of what we consume. The types of foods that you eat significantly contribute to your overall wellbeing and additionally lifespan. As much as there is an idea that there is a specific age that not very many men go past it. Notwithstanding, if […]


Tips to Help Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

While genetics can play a crucial role in your chances of getting cancer, there are some things that you can do to reduce your risk. From eating a healthy diet to getting regular physical exams, you can increase your chances of enjoying a happy, healthy and long life with the […]


5 Unexpected Health Benefits of Saunas

For anyone who hasn’t taken a sauna before, the benefits of taking one isn’t immediately obvious. How is going into a hot environment to sweat going to help the body? There are actually many unexpected health benefits to taking a saunas on a regular basis. Here are 5 of the […]


Can a Hospital Stay Make You Sick?

There are a variety of different reasons why you may end up having to stay at the hospital. For some people, a hospital stay is required due to illness, injury, or disease. For others, it may be due to a wellness visit or a specific type of treatment, such as […]