Search Results for "increased heart"


5 Foods that Must be Avoided by a Diabetic Patient

With diabetes, food choice matters a lot. Watching what one eats becomes like death and duties-unavoidable in order to stay healthy. Being diabetic doesn't mean that special foods and complicated diets are necessary. With natural home remedies diabetes treatment and control is possible. It's making healthy food choices and keeping […]


What Are the Health Benefits of CoQ10

Every day people suffer from diseases whose actual reasons elude the plain sight. What remain visible, in most cases, are the deficit in energy levels, fatigue, depression, and the likes. In such inexplicably agonizing situation, what we fail to comprehend sometimes, is that the reason for many such diseases can […]


Falling Off the Election Band Wagon

It’s a truism in politics that the older you are, the more likely it is that you will vote. For the youngest voters (those in the 18-30 category), levels of disengagement are much higher than among their older peers. Over half of those polled in this age group couldn’t name […]


Sleep Apnea and How to Manage It

Sleep apnea — just what is it? Simply defined, sleep apnea is a medical condition marked by a sleep disorder, one where your breathing may be interrupted multiple times while you are asleep. Sleep apnea is composed of two types: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. The former represents […]


Safety of Bio-identical Hormone Therapy

What is the buzz regarding the bio-identical hormone therapy? Why is it always being seen in newspapers and magazines? Is this a natural and safe alternative to the basic menopausal symptoms or is it a standard risk to the menopause treatment? Well, interest in hormone replacement therapy started to take […]