Search Results for "hair style tips"


How to Distinguish Authentic Furniture from a Reproduction

It's imperative that antique collectors, interior designers, and everyday shoppers understand the difference between authentic antiques and reproduction. Much like genuine antiques, reproductions have been around for centuries, with some even garnering a following dedicated to collecting such pieces of reproduced antique pieces. In general, people are usually drawn to […]


Omega 3 vs. Omega 6

Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids contribute a lot in keeping the body functioning well. Though at first glance you may find both looking the same, but then no, they have different value in your body and each has different benefits. Scientific evidence shows that both are helping in […]


Home Lightning Design Ideas

Usually, when making a renovation in your home, you not only buy some new pieces of furniture, but you also buy some new lamps and other sources of light for your house or apartment. You probably choose them in a way that matches the overall interior design of your home […]


Headband Types and Trends

Somewhere in my parents’ attic, there is a school picture of fifth grade me rocking a totally rad, red plaid headband, with my hair pushed back to the middle of my head and my forehead and braces gleaming in the sun. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the reason why I avoided headbands […]


How to Decorate a Home Office on a Budget

When working from home, it's essential to create an office space which is both appealing and comfortable. Initially, you may think decorating a home office would be a costly, and rather time consuming job. From decorating your walls, to storage and office space, to furniture and lighting, the task of […]