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How to Click Professional Pictures of Food?

In the era of Instagram, iPhones, and widespread foodie-ism, anyone can be a food photographer. But the aspect that separates professional looking photography from the random snaps is much more than just an expensive camera. If there is one thing that people love more than eating is taking its pictures. […]

Caring for your Parent
Elder care

Caring for your Parents as they get Older

In the role reversal of later life when your parents reach their advancing years and become less able to look after themselves, it may fall to you to provide care. This can be a difficult time - especially if they are suffering from a debilitating illness such as dementia - […]


How to Summarize Lectures Effectively in 6 Steps

Lectures are a dynamic and engaging way to transmit information, depending on the lecturer and the subject matter, of course. According to the University of Southampton, lectures usually have two main goals To first provide background information, so that students can situate the content in a relevant context. […]

Before Sex: Things You Need To Ask Your Partner

Erotic Things to Do with Your Hands

There is nothing more erotic, than using your hands to communicate. The human hands can express sensuality, sexuality and a wide range of responses by way of touch. Hands express emotional feelings without words or can be used to write, create art and numerous other things. The hands maybe the […]


Elements of Modern Living Room Furniture

Modern style is all about two things: comfort and luxury. Modern living room furniture blends both attributes through the materials used in its design. Colors, fabrics, and even the shape of the furniture contribute to how a room feels, and contemporary households demand rooms that feel relaxing and visually interesting. […]


Modernize Your Home in 5 Simple Steps

If you are tired of your old-style home and want a change in environment, or if you are planning to sell your house, it's time to modernize! You don't need the help of a professional interior designer or spend a lot of money when modernizing. With a few simple tips […]

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The Magic Rules of Great Outdoor Portraits

When most folks think of portrait photography, they envision studio lighting, canvas backdrops, and a camera perched upon a tripod. But many photographers don’t have access to lavish professional studios, and honestly, it’s not necessary for dynamite portraits. All you really need is a willing subject, a decent outdoor setting (preferably […]


Simple Laptop Adjustments to Save You from Chronic Pain

Laptops are wonderful pieces of technology: they allow us to work from virtually anywhere, without compromising computing power or quality of work. But unfortunately, this freedom can also lead to the development of chronic pain, especially in the neck, back, shoulders, and wrists. Since many people don't use their laptop […]

Elder care

Dealing with Mobility Loss in Retirement

Immobility, or a loss of mobility, is a frightening experience, but much more of a big deal is made about it that really should be. As a nation, we tend to think that immobility is a problem that cannot be solved. It’s seen as something inevitable. However, while mobility problems […]