Search Results for "Windows operating"

Rugged Computing Devices

Consumerization Of Rugged Computing Devices

Once limited to durables scrapped in warehouses, the market for rugged computing devices has expanded in recent years to include classifications of computing gadgets that are capable of functioning in harsh environmental conditions. The demand for rugged devices outside the four walls - such as manufacturing plants, warehousing and distribution centers […]


The Anatomy of a Compact Camera

Form factor is a primary consideration when shopping for a compact camera. Is it small enough to accompany you during your daily life? You’ve wasted your money if your point-and-shoot is at home on the dresser when your child takes his first steps at grandma’s house. These devices are intended […]


Types of Web Hosting Services

Web hosting is one of those core Internet concept that starts out easy and gets insanely confusing as you delve into it. Every website is ‘hosted’ somewhere.In other words, the ‘hosting’ entity runs a mechanism that not only provisions a given website but-most dangerously-makes it possible for other machines around […]


How to Turn Your Home into a Winter Wonderland

When you think of transforming your home into a winter wonderland, you probably think about adding elements like snowflakes and Christmas decorations. However, there is much more to making your home winter-ready than simply placing a snowman on your front lawn. Take a look at these different ways to make […]


Phases of the Software Development Process

This is world of latest technology. Technology brings new evolution in the process of every field. Most of the business activities and persons rely on computer systems for their work. Computer relies on software or applications that run on any particular operating system such as Windows, Linux, and MAC. These […]