Search Results for "people smoking"

Elder care

Digestive Problems in Older People

Your body experiences many changes through the years, but unfortunately one of the most common ailments experienced by older people is digestive problems. Shockingly, nearly 40% of older adults have one or more age-related digestive symptoms every year. These can be extremely painful or can lower day-to-day quality of life. […]

Other stories

Is Smoking Cannabis and Driving Actually Dangerous?

Contrary to popular belief we have gotten a lot better at enjoying mind-altering substances responsibly. The older generations had much higher rates of drinking and driving for example. indicates that, “In 2017, the rate of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities per 100,000 population was 3.4, representing a 63% decrease since 1982, […]


Benefits of Vaping over Smoking

The fact that people smoke is simply a part of the history of the human species. The detrimental health effects that accompany smoking is something that has been brought to light in the past century or so. The draw of smoking is the nicotine that lies within. Unfortunately, nicotine is […]


Are Electronic Cigarettes Healthier than Smoking?

It’s just over a decade since e-cigarettes really first came to light, although the first electronic cigarette was invented many years before that. In recent years there’s been a huge surge in their popularity serving a wide range of vapers. So are we any clearer in knowing if electronic cigarettes […]


5 Reasons You Should Quit Smoking Now

You already know you should’ve quit a long time ago. While quitting smoking cannot happen overnight, you can definitely start with baby steps towards a cleaner life. However, this is easier said than done. Quitters should talk to a doctor first and take medicines to curb the addiction. Some smokers […]


3 Reasons to Quit Smoking Using Vapor

Like so many people, you’ve probably struggled a great deal while trying to quit smoking. Maybe you’ve quit smoking a hundred times in the past but it just doesn’t seem to stick. Instead of attempting to stop using the same tired methods that don’t seem to work for you, you […]


Different People’s Views on Cannabis Dispensaries

When looking at the cannabis industry, one of the biggest questions is what people say about cannabis dispensaries. These stores are a new addition to the retail scene, and it’s important to know what consumers say about them before you decide to open your own. Legality You should take the […]


How E-Cigs Work to Help You Quit Smoking

The advancement of technology might have impacted your lives and your approach toward life. Some amuse over the technological advancements, while others muse over the good ol’ days without it. Either way, you would agree that technology has made your life simple or complicated depending on who and how it’s […]