Month: December 2017


Zika Virus, a Potential Threat to Human Health

In recent years, the outbreaks of Zika virus have attracted the world’s attention. For instance, in 2015 and 2016, there was an epidemic of Zika virus in Brazil and many other counties in the Americas. The outbreak affected millions of people and led to thousands of cases of microcephaly — […]


The Benefits of Juicing

Juicing and juice cleanses have been popping in and out of conversations for the past decade or more. Juicing takes fruits, vegetables, and herbs and extracts their liquids. These liquids, juice, are chock-full of vitamins and minerals, making juicing a great supplement to any diet. The word supplementary there is […]


Trends in Construction: Building the Future

Trends in the building and construction industry have begun to shift over the last few years. While some of these changes are just recently becoming apparent, it’s a good idea to stay aware of which direction they are heading. The industry is likely to follow them through the upcoming seasons. […]