By now we all know the importance of a social media presence, but many people fail to make the most of this presence. Every time a social media account is created, there is a good chance that it will fall flat, fail to generate engagement, and just be left running […]
Tag: facebook
How to Drive More Likes to Your Facebook Fan Page
The worldwide success of Facebook has prompted many of the companies to launch a Facebook campaign as an alternative to the search for customers by creating fan pages and groups for their brand, products or services. Brands treat Facebook as one of the key marketing tool for their upliftment and […]
Facebook Marketing for Your Ecommerce Success
Anyone involved in the e-commerce market knows that it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. If you are running a store on the vast world wide web, you are most likely competing with a great many other business owners who are selling products very similar to yours. That’s why you should […]
How Facebook Has Changed Relationships
Being in a relationship can be a great and wonderful time full of new feelings and adventures. With today's social media platforms however, this can change the dynamic of how we view relationships and what happens when they end. Many relationships today even depend on social networks such as Facebook to […]
Facebook Tricks for Marketing Success
If you want online success, Internet marketing must include social media all times. You don't just need to buy advertising on the social media sites. Pages and profiles need to be developed for your business. Publishing on these pages regularly is how you interact with your visitors - updated unique […]
Mark Zuckerberg's Super PAC Playing "House of Cards" Politics
It is generally accepted as an inescapable truth that money and politics go hand-in-hand, especially in the current era of the Super Political Action Committee (Super PAC). A Super PAC, for those of you who didn't follow Stephen Colbert's "Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow," is a means by which […]
How To Get A Million Likes On Facebook
It’s hardly news that businesses are setting up pages on Facebook to establish a presence for their brand on the world’s most popular social networking website. Sure, it’s easy enough for anyone to sign up, set up a profile for their business and open their virtual doors to the world. […]
A Guide To Advertising On Facebook
Across the globe there are over 1 billion active users on Facebook. A majority of these people login several times, spending a lot of time on the network. This is great news for someone looking to advertise on Facebook. With that being said, the target group for each and every […]
Facebook Connectivity Tips For Your Business
Regardless of the specific industry that you work in, chances are good that it is hyper-competitive and over-saturated. Moving to the top of your field and distinguishing yourself from the competition is crucial but can be extremely difficult. One of the most important ways to stand out from the rest […]
How You Can Make Facebook Work For Your Business
When you've just set up a business, you usually lack two things: sufficient financial resources and audience. To improve all aspects of your business, you need to reach as many potential consumers of your service as possible. And this is where Facebook comes in. Facebook has grown from a tool […]