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How You Can Improve Camera Phone Photography?

Now, everybody carries a smartphone and all these phones are equipped with camera. It is widely accepted that advanced digital camera is ideal for the professional photographers and is necessary to capture beautiful photographs. However, that is not true. Even the professionals sometime use their smartphone to catch a moment […]

Elder care

Elderly Depression: Are You At Risk?

When most people think of conditions and diseases that affect the elderly, most think of cognitive decline, heart problems, bone diseases, and other “old person” issues. Very few consider one of the most common afflictions among the elderly: depression. Depression among people over age 65 is quite common. About eight […]


What is Voluntary Health Insurance and Health Care?

Voluntary health insurance without additional payments is a pretty common thing nowadays, but small amount of companies has decided to insure their employees with this additional type of insurance. One of the reasons is that management of companies doesn't see any benefits from this type of insurance, and the other […]


Overwhelmed by Stuff? Smart Decluttering Tips

Besides the most diligently organized and neat among us, most people have amassed quite a bit of ‘stuff' over the years that makes our homes look unattractive, and likely causes us a good degree of angst. There is always that intention to declutter, but it gets buried under the sense […]


Living with Diabetes: Planning for Success

If you have diabetes, you know that managing this disease is often a challenge. From monitoring blood sugar and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, living with diabetes isn’t always easy. That’s not to say, though, that individuals with diabetes can’t live exciting, fulfilling and healthy lives, despite their diagnoses. In fact, […]

sunflower lecithin

Benefits of Sunflower Lecithin

One of the biggest medical unmet needs in the world today is treating neurological disease and brain traumas. Your brain is a complex series of over 15 billion neurons within the cerebral cortex alone. Research has shown the cortex plays a critical role in our memory, thought, speaking, and consciousness however science […]


How People Perceive 3D Printed Objects?

The modern generation is now quite accustomed with 3D movies. They are not startled to see through the 3D glasses when a human figure seems real or a spaceship almost takes them for a journey through the galaxy. But, are they similarly comfortable to accept the 3D printed products in […]


3D PDF Brain Imaging and Its Application in Court Trials

3D PDF brain imaging has various honest and lawful applications, notwithstanding paramount clinical applications. 3D PDF brain imaging techniques are fundamentally used to study mind and conduct connections, which help clinical and exploration teaches, for example, radiology, psychiatry, neurology, and clinical neuropsychology. Then again, there are various routes in which […]