Search Results for "regions"

Travel and living

Reasons to Travel to Madagascar

Visiting an unspoiled island in the Indian Ocean is the reason to apply for a visa for Madagascar! This magnificent island not only offers you a break from everyday life, but it will also change the way you think about travelling. With that said, what are the main reasons you […]

Travel and living

Living with Climate Change

Many have noticed how the weather, at times, is more severe than it used to be. Despite what the deniers say, climate change is not your imagination and poses a real threat to humanity in the 21st century. Areas across the world are experiencing stronger storms and bigger extremes in […]


How to Tell Lice

Most adults would not be willing to share that they have lice because it would come out as if they are not clean people or they come from dirty neighborhoods. Parents also, would not be willing to share that their children have lice because they think that their parenting would […]


Which Forces Stabilize Protein Structure?

The structure of a protein determines the way that it interacts with other molecules and its role in our bodies. Experimental studies of hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding variants allow us to understand protein structure and protein stability, which are both essential to the study of protein behavior. Proteins: The Workers […]

Other stories

Tips to Finding the Perfect Bottle of Wine

Wine describes an alcoholic beverage that is made from fermented grapes. Depending on the process used, this drink can come in all sorts of flavours and colours such as white, red and rose. There are many different types such as Riesling, chardonnay, and merlot, and many find great joy in […]


Why Feminine Hygiene Products Are Unnecessary

A quick glance along the shelves at your local drugstore will show you there is an enormous number of feminine hygiene products designed to help keep women fresh. A search online will reveal the latest fads to ensure your nether regions remain fresh as a daisy, including douching and even […]


Zika Virus, a Potential Threat to Human Health

In recent years, the outbreaks of Zika virus have attracted the world’s attention. For instance, in 2015 and 2016, there was an epidemic of Zika virus in Brazil and many other counties in the Americas. The outbreak affected millions of people and led to thousands of cases of microcephaly — […]