Search Results for "penalty"

Society & Culture

Is Our War on Drugs Corrupt?

It's time that we rethink the way we evaluate evidence in drug crime cases. Our legal system is notorious for handing out prison sentences—often lengthy ones—for drug crime offenses, and often those sentences are based on very little actual evidence. In some cases, we've later found out that the sentences […]

things to know about penguin 2.0
Internet SEO

What You Need To Know About Google Penguin 2.0

Is your website having trouble with the recent Penguin update? You are not alone. Other websites from white-hat seo websites to black-hat seo websites are also having the same trouble with the dreadful Penguin. Most websites’ seo campaigns have stopped to learn about this Penguin update and to modify their seo […]


Tackling Google’s Penguin Updates

When sites are hit by Google algorithm changes, it can sometimes seem like a long road to recovery. Indeed, website owners may be moved to express the view that it will actually be impossible to recover. The good news is that it will almost always be possible to get things […]