Search Results for "ng cây"


Make These Lifestyle Choices to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is an awful disease that afflicts thousands of people per year. When it is caught early enough and treated accordingly, the chances of cancer being fatal are getting increasingly slimmer, however, it can be a devastating disease that can affect your health for a long time afterwards. Even as […]


How can you get whiter teeth naturally?

Every day, your teeth endure a multitude of substances thrown their way and we can often carry ourselves through the day without giving a single thought to the repercussions of our oral habits. Nevertheless, in the appearance-driven society that we live in, the yellowing of teeth is one complication of […]

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Top 9 Home Remedies for Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are known as the benign tumor of the nose and adjacent sinuses which arise from the epithelial tissue. The etiology remains unclear, there are various hypothesis has been proposed though. Some scientists suggest that it may be the result of chronic inflammation of nose, sinusitis or allergy to […]

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4 Tips To Ensure Good Dental Hygiene

The smile you own tells a lot about your personality. But many times, while you are shying away to show your teeth you tend to restrict this smile to the minimum. And that’s the point when people recognise you as introvert or not interesting. It is amazing how a simple […]


How We Can Save Our Teeth Naturally

My mother often advised before I went to bed “Go to the washroom and clean your teeth”. Interestingly she didn’t know that brushing teeth every night is not good enough to prevent cavities. I know she said this because most people struggle with terrible teeth stains, tooth decay and more. There […]