Search Results for "allergies"

Travel and living

The Advantages of Log Houses

In recent years, log houses have seen a resurgence in popularity, and it’s easy to see why. After all, who wouldn’t want a house that is modern, warm and cozy and yet doesn’t cost the earth? If you are in the market for a new home, then a log house […]


Why You Need To Have Manuka Honey At Home

Manuka honey is one of the best-kept secrets of beauticians from all around the world. It has been used for hundreds of years because of various ingredients you gain access to at a highly affordable price. The medical community was slow to recognize Manuka honey’s healing capability but ever since […]


Chronic Inflammation: What It Is and How to Deal with It

Chronic inflammation is a long-lasting inflammatory condition that persists because of aggressive stimuli. Inflammation itself is actually a positive thing, as it’s the body’s self-protection response. Its intended purpose is to ‘burn out’ the cause of the problem, like bacteria or virus. In injuries, inflammation speeds up natural tissue repair […]


Food Recipes For 1 Year Old Baby

Feeding your little one what the rest of the family members eating is often a difficult task for moms to get over than it really is for baby. But your baby is prepared and technically has been ingesting tenderer, simple variations of adult food for a while now. It’s good […]