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android app development
Mobile devices

What Mobile App Developers Should Bear in Mind

Mobile app development is a broad area which includes both creativity and technology. Mobile apps augment the basic functions of mobile gadgets that have taken the technology space by storm in the recent times. New kinds of mobile gadgets have been bombarding the tech-market since long now, and have registered […]


How to Save Energy This Summer?

Summer brings about sunnier weather conditions and warmer weather. Unfortunately, this welcome change in weather can soon become as nuisance when temperatures skyrocket. When the temperature rises outside, a lot of energy is used to keep the inside of the home comfortable. With the rising costs of energy, it is […]


Often Forgotten Home Maintenance

Improvement and maintenance is a never ending cycle of to-dos that beg for homeowners' attention. There are seasonal and annual things that need to be done as well as emergency repairs that crop up depending on the age of your home. These repairs mean that there are some important home […]

Green tech

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

When we think of how to make a house more energy efficient, our minds often go toward expensive big-ticket items. It’s true; new air conditioners, refrigerators, and dishwashers can surely save a lot of energy compared to most older machines. If your appliances are working and aren’t terribly inefficient, keeping […]


Some Ideas for a Greener Driving

In the UK, vehicles account for 21% of all Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. There are more than 25 million cars on the road, and each car requires oil and fuel. If every driver made some small improvements to the efficiency of their cars, then the overall effect would be a huge […]