Search Results for "located"


Why Sports Scholarships Are Hard

One of the best things about studying in the United States is the emphasis on sports and how deserving sportspersons are offered athletic scholarships to pursue their education. However, while this seems to be an extremely attractive proposition for sports people who may not have great academic grades, such scholarships […]

Travel and living

Food & Nightlife In Disney World

The Walt Disney World Resort, commonly known as Disney World has always been a fascinating place to visit for kids. As the world's most popular entertainment resort, this place located near Kissimmee, Florida is home to several theme parks, water parks and themed resorts. It is no wonder then that […]


Raised Garden Beds Make Gardening Easier

I am sure that every homeowner has made a resolution to plant a garden. What is better than having a garden full of fresh vegetables and herbs and being self-sufficient? Who wouldn't want to go outside while preparing a meal for the family and gather the vegetables and herbs to be used […]

Small business

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Offices

Virtual offices definitely have their pros and cons. Before any type of business decides to utilize these types of offices, it is best to weigh their advantages and disadvantages. After doing so, many businesses will discover they can benefit from them; however, for those that can’t, this will help to […]


Malta Fashion Week News and Details

The third edition of Malta Fashion Week started on Sunday as the designers participating to the event finished making the final touches before the world could see their brand New Spring 2014 collections. And what better location to find than Malta, this southern European country that has already featured two events of the […]


Considerations for Contract Furniture

Contract furniture is, essentially, furniture used for commercial use. So while you might think a certain type of seating booth would look great in your dining room, unless it’s a commercial one, you need to have a rethink. Contract furniture is the ideal solution for a lot of businesses, many […]

Travel and living

World’s Largest Gold Mines

The increasing cost of gold over the last 5 years has created a significant interest in the trade of this precious metal. The scarcity of gold is obvious despite its high demand. There many gold mines around the world each with a varying production capacity. Mining of gold is only […]