Search Results for "acticin"


10 Things You Should Know About Anal Sex

I could bet an arm that at school you never got to teach anal sex education, so it seems like an excellent opportunity to talk about it. In our privacy, most of us try to explore new things, but not everyone knows how to practice it, and how to enjoy it. The […]


Warning Signs of Oral Cancer: Are You at Risk

Significant symptoms and signs of oral cancer include difficulty in chewing, lumps or sores, and white or red patches in the mouth. Early detection of oral cancer and it’s consequent oral cancer treatment can help prevent the disease from developing further or from spreading to other areas. Uncontrolled growth […]


Using Sports To Unwind: A Guide

It’s no secret that engaging in sports is extraordinarily good for your physical health and mental wellbeing. It’s essential for weight control, to help combat sleep disorders and difficulties, to boost mood, energy levels, and to keep your body supple, toned, and more able to achieve a full range of […]


How to Improve Mother-Daughter Relationships?

Each mother-daughter relationship is unique. Some mothers and daughters are more like sisters; others see each other monthly while others avoid each other like plague. The difference between these diverse relationships is based on how they relate. I remember when my daughter was in her adolescence, our once loving ‘can’t […]


The 3 Key Breaking Points in Negotiations

Negotiations are happening around us every day. For any business, it is important to be prepared and understand business communication and negotiation. Part of this is being aware of the various key “breaking points” that may be reached during a negotiation. The key points that are going to be discussed […]