Search Results for "Click To Read"


Tips on How to Stay Fit

In today's wired world, all you have to do when you need something is to make a call and order it in, or log on to the provider's website, where you can place your order and pay for it with plastic. Just about anything: food, clothing, sports goods, cosmetics, drugs, […]


Protecting Yourself After a Car Accident

While dramatic scenes of people being cut out of cars and rushed to hospital are popular with the media (and do occasionally happen in real life), the reality is that the majority of car accidents are far more mundane. Driver A bumps in to driver B and there is little to […]


Facebook Marketing for Your Ecommerce Success

Anyone involved in the e-commerce market knows that it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. If you are running a store on the vast world wide web, you are most likely competing with a great many other business owners who are selling products very similar to yours. That’s why you should […]


Marketing Truths from The Princess Bride

My absolute favorite movie of all time is The Princess Bride (1987). Quotes from this movie are common around our house, and can be used for a variety of situations. They are very handy and funny the majority of the time. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you […]


Software To Understand What Dolphins Are Saying

There are computers rugged enough to immerse in water for a special purpose—to bridge the gap between the sophisticated language of dolphins and that of humans. These touchscreen computers are part of a language interface between two of the most intelligent types of mammals in the world. A variety of software programs […]

Advertising Business

Ways to Improve Your Advertising

Advertising seems a daunting task to most that decide to venture close. But those fears are often misplaced when it is taken in small parts and viewed from new perspectives. All advertising is, when you think about it, is sales multiplied. If you take your normal sales conversation and broaden […]