Search Results for "argument"


Pharmacological Treatment of Alcohol Dependence

Advances in the neurobiology of alcohol dependence have enabled the introduction of new drugs in the treatment of alcoholism. The pharmacological treatment of alcoholism is reviewed. Drugs that decrease the desire to drink have become a first-line alternative. The review of the studies carried out with acamprosate or with naltrexone […]


David, Goliath and The Atlantic Divide of Defamation Law

Earlier this month, a 64-year old British expat, a private individual and keen amateur scuba diver took on America’s flashiest and most outspoken playboy billionaire in a heavily publicised defamation claim, and the billionaire won. Bringing the case in California, Vernon Unsworth, the Claimant, sought damages in relation to a […]


Preventing Plagiarism in Schools: Tips and Tricks

The Act of Plagiarism Breaches Academic Integrity Before going right into the topic of plagiarism, one should talk about academic integrity. Academic integrity consists of five core values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. In other words, it means being truthful in one’s work. On the contrary, plagiarism breaches all […]


9 Most Famous Cognitive Biases

We tend to submit to hundreds of different biases and deceptions that make us think and act irrationally. In fact, hundreds of biases that force us to think and act irrationally affect us. The belief that we behave rationally despite the evidence of our irrationality is referred to as the […]