Search Results for "promote muscle"


Opiate Addiction is a Treatable Disease

Opiate addiction is now a national problem. This disease is often caused by the need to relieve pain, not get high. The prescriptions are legal with a low dosage. The patient may build up tolerances for the drugs and need higher dosages. If the doctor won’t renew the prescriptions, patients often look for similar drugs on the […]


Benefits of Exogenous Ketones

Exogenous ketones are ketones consumed in the form of supplements to aid the body in metabolism and in providing enough energy. In other words, the supplements are absorbed to fuel the body. Exogenous ketones are made in three different forms which are: 1. The ketone salts These are naturally derived […]


17 Daily Yoga Benefits for a Healthier You

Doing yoga everyday seems to be a challenge at first. But as you struggle to do it everyday, it can become a habit you cannot do without. Even if you do the same poses and sequence, your body will react differently everyday. There will be days yoga will be a […]


Can Turmeric Really Help Improve Dental Health?

We’ve all read about natural ingredients that are supposed to help improve oral health. One of the most popular ingredients right now seems to be turmeric. The potential health benefits of taking turmeric are well-documented. It is supposed to be able to support heart function, fight inflammation, support muscle and […]


How To Help Preschoolers Develop Gross Motor Skills

Right physical activities are very important for preschoolers to develop their gross motor skills in the best possible ways. Gross motor skills are the main reason why we are able to walk, jump and do any activity. It’s significant to promote your preschooler to sharpen these skills in other behaviors. […]


Marijuana – Ways it is Being Used Nowadays

Different countries and cities in the world have legalized the use of marijuana for different purposes, such as recreational, industrial and medicinal use. What interests us in this article is to highlight the medicinal use that the plant may have. Due to legalization in other countries, relatively more scientific research has […]

Hyperbaric chamber

Can Hyberbaric Therapy Cure Stage-4 Cancer?

Think of a room with an air-tight, glass made, transparent chamber and you’re lying down inside with closed eyes, calm and reposed. It’s certainly not any Hollywood movie trailer. Can’t guess? It’s the picture of a hospital room where Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is going on. It’s been more than […]


11 Proven Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga originated in ancient India, and these days millions of Westerners of any age and fitness level practice yoga on a regular basis. Even though yoga is a spiritual practice to many people, most Westerners make use of yoga for exercise or to lower stress. There are 3 major techniques […]


Benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy

You might have heard about how surgeons use high power lasers in performing surgeries that leave behind the minimum or almost no scars. Low level laser therapy, on the other hand, can induce the body to create new cells and repair itself. Low Level Laser Therapy or Photobiomodulation Therapy is […]


The Real Reason You Aren’t Losing Weight

You’ve been on this rocky journey for years – searching for an effective and permanent way to keep the weight off. You have a drawer full of “motivational” gym clothing, another drawer full of supplements that are supposed to help burn fat and build muscle, yet the drawer where you […]