Search Results for "alcoholic"


Prescribing Drugs To Fight Addictions

Every year, it seems, drug companies come up with new drugs to help addicts fight their addictions to alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics. But do these drugs work? Are they dangerous? In one of the more ironic wrinkles in medical history, are they addicting? The quick answer to these questions is […]


Why Tinder is Awful for Serious Singles

When Sean Rad and his friends invented Tinder in 2012, they claimed they didn’t know what the app was intended for. They said they were disappointed when people began using it as a hookup app, but most people believe Tinder was always intended for promiscuous users. Plenty of people enjoyed […]


4 Effects Of Alcohol On Your Brain

Alcohol is one of the substances almost everyone consumes, but few people actually know how it alters one’s mind. For some, alcohol is just something that makes it easier to have fun and enjoy yourself, but for others, it’s an addiction. Either way, before you pick up another glass of […]


Top 4 Ways to Spot Drivers Under Intoxication

Drunk driving is a serious and dangerous business. Drivers having high BAC (Blood alcohol concentration) run high risks of running into a crash. So better avoid them as much as possible. But how can you avoid them if you can’t even recognize a drunk driver from signs of his/her driving? […]


10 Lesser-known Uses of Lemon Peel

No one would associate health benefits with lemon peels. But you’ll be surprised to know that it is responsible for fighting, preventing and treating many health conditions you wish you never had. So, before you throw out the humble lemon peel next time, think again. Perhaps, you should dry it […]


The Danger of Hepatitis and How It can be Caused

Many of us are victims of inflammation, which affects different areas in our bodies. Inflammation in the joints trouble us and sometimes disrupt our normal lives. Even though it's difficult to put up with pain and numbness, we somehow manage. Inflammation could be life-threatening if it affects certain parts of […]

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The Health Benefits for Hearth of White Wine One of the questions we usually ask ourselves when choosing between wines is what benefits do we have from choosing white over red wine? Is the wine, particularly the white, good for the heart and overall health? And rightfully so, drinking wine […]