Search Results for "handling"


Psychological Benefits of Floatation Tank Therapy

Floatation tank therapy is quickly gaining popularity as one of the best ways to reduce stress, lasting fatigue and other fairly common psychological complaints. Floatation tank therapy involves floating in a sound proof, low / no light environment, in what is called a floatation pod. The pod is filled with […]

Social media

Retweet for insatiable marketing on Twitter

Have you ever wondered how people retweet? People who tweet aesthetic content in Twitter get more followers and if you are a fan-following, then you can retweet the post to get their trust and friendship. You might be handling Twitter for business marketing, yet you need the perfect cache rather […]


Benefits of Hiring Virtual Receptionist Services

Usually, companies and businesses that operate at large scales have an altogether different department of human resources that work on the frontlines, that is, the reception services. Since, this department constitutes the first impression of any customer or client, it has to be proficient, active and skilled at the job. […]


Effective Methods of Improving Average Handle Time

Improving average handle time is an intricate process that involves incorporating agent training programs and efficient operation of the technology available within a system, among others. Contrary to popular belief, it needs a multi-pronged approach, and doesn't simply involve improving the interactions between agents and customers. For instance, each bump […]


7 Tips for Better Team Management

When it comes to being in the position of managing a team, it takes a special kind of person to do it. That one person needs to own a perfect combination of skills, attitudes, and knowledge, in order to be able to coordinate each member of his team. He should […]