Customer services

Call Centres-Getting Customer Service Right

call-centerCall Centres taken for granted?

Call centres are a one stop shop for all customer needs when they are dealing with a company. Customers often take them for granted, not realising how much easier it now is to conduct their business. They no longer, for example need to phone several departments within a company or perhaps make a visit into a branch or store in order to make a change, they now just need to make one simple call. Yet all too often we hear complaints about call centres, common complaints being about the time customers have to wait to speak to an agent, automated systems not working to the advantage of the customer or the agent not having enough knowledge to resolve problems.

When companies get it right

When companies are able to set up effective call centres they can expect to reap huge gains in repeat sales, customers who stay subscribed and an increased ability to win new business. Demand for customer service is so great in our modern world as customers have more and more choice. To put it simply, get it wrong and your customers will move elsewhere. Another reason to invest in your call centre and to ensure it works for your customers is the rise of social media. It is all to easy for a disgruntled customer to take to social media to complain, potentially damaging your brand. Customers today are difficult to please, they rightly, expect their queries to be dealt with swiftly and effectively, you need to be on top of the customer service game if you wish to be successful.

How do you get it right?

Contact centre solutions are products that can help you to ensure your call centre is on top of its game. They allow you to iron out some of the common complaints that call centres receive. For instance, a well thought out menu can help ensure that, firstly your customers do not end up irate at having to press buttons over and over and that their calls are directed to the best possible place allowing their queries to be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Well placed announcements and the right music can also help sooth the frustrations of customers in periods where there are extended call waiting times, as well as manage their expectations in a professional manner. Scripting is also a feature of contact centre solutions that can be used to help employees effectively deal with difficult conversations and to ensure that they are able to fully follow processes, allowing for customer requests to be fully met the first time. Your contact centre provider will work with you to set up your call centre in a manner that will be the most effective for your company in terms of providing the best possible level of customer service.

Other benefits of a contact centre solutions

As well as working with you to ensure you are displaying the best service that your company has to offer to your customers, contact centre solutions can also help you to reduce costs through efficiency. You can also ensure that your contact centre is future-proofed as solutions evolve as new technologies become available. Solutions can also help with your staff morale, as investing in technology shows you value them.

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