Search Results for "skin condition"


What Are the Rules for Working While on Disability

If you’ve seen the dancing hamsters in the Kia car commercials, then you’ve seen professional dancer Leroy Barnes. Before he worked for Kia, Barnes was a backup dancer for performers like Kelly Rowland, Madonna and Chris Brown. Shortly after he donned his hamster costume, however, police arrested Barnes for insurance […]


Camera Poles-A Must Read Buyer’s Guide

Camera poles can serve many different purposes in the residential and commercial sectors. While some camera poles are used by municipal authorities to post security cameras or speed cameras, other camera poles are used for private businesses residential areas and private security. When purchasing camera poles, it is wise to […]


Poor Reception Needn’t Be A Drama

Digital TV reception problems can be frustrating, especially as they often seem to happen at that crucial point in your favourite soap or drama. However, the problems themselves don't need to cause a drama and can often easily be resolved. In some cases you'll need the help of a professional TV aerial […]


Deadly Diseases Rats Can Transmit to Humans

Fall means invasive rodents like rats and mice will be looking for a warm place to nest. Your pantry, attic, and walls are all inviting homes to these pests, and once they enter your home, they will quickly create an infestation. Keeping these rodents out of your home should be […]


What are SLAP Tears and How to Treat

Two famous men remind us once again of, well, our humanness. According to USA Today, injured New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez would most likely undergo shoulder surgery in late October. Meanwhile in Hollywood, a rep for Adam Sandler confirmed that the actor has recently undergone a procedure for a […]


Omega 3 vs. Omega 6

Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids contribute a lot in keeping the body functioning well. Though at first glance you may find both looking the same, but then no, they have different value in your body and each has different benefits. Scientific evidence shows that both are helping in […]