Search Results for "genuine"


Keeping A Workforce Engaged And Motivated

It's true that money can be quite a compelling motivator for people, but research has shown that when it comes to job satisfaction, money is only part of the story. In the wake of the financially devastating economic downturn which caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, you might […]

Green tech

Power Inverters-Be Disaster Ready!

Chances are, those who lived on the east coast in the midst of the devastation of Hurricane Sandy of 2012 wished they had power inverters on hand to maintain at least some heat and electricity. Many victims were with zero electricity for months on end. Calamities happen, both expected and unexpected; and […]


What Your Dreams Say about Your Sleep

Sound sleep is essential for our mind and body. Without quality sleep, we can never be in the positive frame of mind. Earlier people used to be sleeping for minimum 9 hours a day. However, given the work pressure and competition in every sector of our life, we have been […]


Telemarketers vs. Online Answering Machines

Telemarketers are very resolute and resilient sales professionals. Their job is to get on the phone, make cold calls to people, and try and sell a product or a service. They do not give up easily - if you don't pick up the phone, they will call you again; if […]


Advantages of Buying Pumps Online

Advancements in technology have bought a revolution in the buying process. One can buy anything using internet. This is also applicable if a person wants to buy pumps. Pumps are required for both domestic and commercial purposes. Companies that understand the diverse requirements of their customers manufacture pumps which offer […]


Easy Health Changes Anyone Can Make

Whether you're a resident working over a hundred hours per week in a hospital or you're struggling to squeeze in key family time with the little ones, health is often one of the first things people put on the back burner. It's just easier to pick up some fast food, […]