Search Results for "couple occasions"

Travel and living

Places to do Extreme Sports in London

At the point when Boris et al. were discussing the ‘London 2012 Legacy’, we don’t imagine that paintballing and scuba jumping were what they had makeup a primary concern. However, in the event that you’re searching for something somewhat more amazing than a run around Hyde Park, these games might […]


6 Great Apps to Have When Traveling

Traveling is as close to an old timey adventure as most of us will ever come, and despite all the information available online you really need to immerse yourself in a foreign culture to discover all the little intricacies. Adventures can be a bit dangerous and tiring though, so having […]


The Essentials of an Efficient Corporate Caterer

Catering for corporate events is a distinct class altogether. The word ‘corporate' itself instills an image of top-class planning and execution coupled with high professionalism. Corporate catering is very different from, let's say, wedding catering or any other social catering events. Although, as a caterer, it is important to follow […]


How the Internet Can Help Your Car Hire

"Who you going to call?" Everytime I'm asked that question, it's on the tip of my tongue to reply "Ghostbusters". It's amazing how catchy lines from movies or songs stick in your mind years later. For those who are unfamiliar, it was a hit movie in the late 80s, with […]


Tips to Stay Healthy Throughout the Year

The vast majority of people want to live a healthy lifestyle, but changing your current lifestyle and keeping up a better and healthier one isn't always easy. For a lot of people, it means waving goodbye to their beloved sodas, pizzas and weekend wine. However, it doesn't have to be […]


Why Do Electric Cars Make Sense

With the advancement of the eco-friendly movements and the fact that all countries and individuals are aiming at a smaller carbon footprint, it’s no wonder electric cars are starting to become more and more popular with both the business and the private drivers. While the soft (or not so soft) […]


Tips on Becoming a Model

Becoming a model goes much deeper than simply posing for a picture and looking beautiful/handsome in front of the camera. If you are really interested in becoming a model, there are some things you need to know. You Have to Work Hard Simply using your looks to get you where […]

Other stories

Real New Jersey Housewife Faces Real Indictment

The Allegations One of the major news headlines in the entertainment world is the fraud indictment of Teresa and Joe Giudice. The 33-page indictment brought against these stars of the reality TV show "Real Housewives" alleges that the couple knowingly lied on their loan applications: exaggerating their income and assets […]

Society & Culture

Cool Presents for Wine Lovers

Whether you're one of those people who buys Christmas presents in September, or you're just looking for a great wine-dine-meet gift, here are some great options for any oenophiles you know. Moustache You A Question The moustache has been a trendy trope for a while now. And hey, this corkscrew […]