Search Results for "Technical University"

Travel and living

London from a Bird's Eye View

London is an ever changing city. Every day, new buildings are commissioned and shop fronts will change. Tower blocks are pulled down with new housing estates and shopping centres taking their place. Just as the immediate space changes, so does the London skyline. The view across London's rooftops has changed […]


Pros and Cons of Trading Forex

Forex trading has emerged as a popular career in recent times with its 24/7 schedule and easy accessibility. Being your own boss, working from the comfort of your own home making money using your laptop or mobile when it suits you is more than enough motivation for anyone to consider […]


How to Make Diverse Teams Function Well

There's plenty of research to argue that diversity in the workplace is beneficial to businesses: heightening innovation, increasing revenue and dramatically improving the ability of businesses to capture new markets. But diversity can also bring well-documented problems: notably an increase in workplace tension. Differences in age; gender; culture; language and […]

Real estate

Ten Landlords from Hell

Apparently some landlords would think this is a desirable place to live. Finding a decent place to rent is a big concern for many of us. Prospective tenants spend ages viewing apartments, checking locations, securing jobs and researching what the local area is like, but when they think they've found […]


Top Architecture Colleges in Hyderabad

A career in architecture can be challenging as well as well-paid; the following post explores the field of architecture as a career with special reference to Hyderabad. Architects are truly called the creators of civilization because without them the construction of a high rise or even a small cottage is […]

Virtual Training

Virtual Training Equals Real-World Skills

We live in a world where fully accredited online universities exist. That is truly amazing, even unthinkable just a few decades ago. Before it could happen, there were a number of technical hurdles to overcome. First, we had to wait until computers were powerful enough to process real time audio […]


Transparent Marketing Secrets for Women

A transparent approach guides marketers to go beyond the obvious and truly tailor programs for the community they want to reach. Here are some secrets used by the best transparent marketers in the business: 1 SHOW HER “REAL” WOMEN AND RELATABLE SCENARIOS For the last twenty years, in survey after […]