Search Results for "passed"


Fashion Trends Around The World

It's interesting how different styles are popular around various parts of the world. What is "in style" varies from nation to nation. Learning about fashion trends around the world opens up your eyes to a little bit of unique culture! Let's take a look at some of the most unique […]


Types of Car Insurance

When it comes to insuring your car, there are plenty of different types of policy available to suit your circumstances. It's worth taking the time to understand each kind of insurance policy that's on offer to ensure that you don't end up paying more than you really need to. Third […]


Litigation Has No Standard Benchmarks

Litigation outcomes have never been the same the world over, even though the base of a case might seem similar and feature the same stakeholder. This is because laws quoted for the rulings are quite different for each country. Though some cases have been used as benchmarks across the borders, […]


How Microsoft Just Screwed You Over With Xbox One

The Xbox One release brought a huge mix of reactions from the gaming community. While the gaming community is cynical and mean enough, Microsoft royally screwed us all and themselves over in just a couple hours during their announcement. Most likely what will happen is that we will eventually get over all […]

Green tech

Farming Methods & Jobs of the Future

The future of farming will test humanity's intelligence, adaptability and, more importantly, camaraderie. By 2050, the world's food supply must double in order to feed everyone on the planet. As time passes and the population increases, the availability of land slowly dwindles, leaving us with one of the most challenging […]


Immigration Reform Now Facing Big Problems

The landmark immigration bill currently working its way through the U.S. Senate may contain good news for those looking to enter the U.S. on a H-1B visa. While under current law, the U.S. only issues 65,000 skilled guest worker visas per year, the new bill would raise this cap to […]

Cardboard Waste

Should Your Business Buy a Baler?

Recycling cardboard and other waste has become a law in many countries, and businesses need to take proper action to minimize the time spent when dealing with such proceedings. Using an baler is a much more effective way to reduce a business' costs in terms of transportation and time. These […]