Search Results for "Industrial"


How Magnets Improve Our World

Since mankind first discovered the ‘lodestone’, we have utilised the power of magnetism to our benefit. This magnetised rock of iron oxide can be used within a compass where it is affected by the earth’s magnetic field which causes it to point north. According to the website, the most […]

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Types of Safety Barriers

Safety barriers help save lives in a variety of situations. Every year people are injured due to accidents on the road, in factories and other industrial premises. Effective use of the correct type of safety barrier and its positioning can help reduce these accidents and minimise injury. So what type […]


Types of CNC Machines

There are several types of CNC machines. Some are used in manufacturing facilities to manufacture parts while others may be used in retail locations to create custom products on demand (such as dog and cat tags). Not only are CNC machines used in a retail setting they are also used […]


Design Options in Epoxy Flooring

[youtube] When you are undertaking an interior décor project, whether it is for your home, garage or any other commercial establishment, you will pay attention to a few important aspects such as the following: Budgets Colors Durability Ease of maintenance and Availability of options […]


Engineering Challenges for The Future

The achievements and advancements that were made over the last century by talented engineers have changed the shape of our world today and vastly improved the quality of our lives. Looking to the future, as the world population continues to grow and our needs expand there are several areas for […]


Types of HVAC Systems

Do you need a heating or cooling system (HVAC) installed in your home, business, or industrial company? If so, choosing a company you can trust is an important first step. Employing a company of certified heating/ cooling specialists ensures that you’ll receive professionally completed installations, consistent repairs, and annual 15 […]


Heavy Duty Degreasers for the Oil & Gas Industry

Oil and gas (O&G) and other chemical spills get attention like no other news. Just take the recent chemical spill in the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia, which cut off water to more than 300,000 people. Three years ago, the United States Chemical Safety Board asked the state to put together […]

velvet chairs

The Velvet Renaissance in Interior Design in 2014

Velvet… Any associations? Personally, I always think about Italian Baroque, about the excessive luxury of the Louvre, about damsels in distress and noble knights (or more likely about their castles and gowns). For centuries, this magnificent fabric has been a symbol of affluence, a trademark of the rich and the […]


Top Employers for Engineers in 2014

With the dawn of 2014, there is new hope for those who are seeking employment opportunities, especially in the engineering sector. If you have been dreaming of getting handsome pay packages and unmatched perks, then try seeking an engineering job at one of the best companies in this industry. The […]