Search Results for "well-being"

Elder care

Home Care vs. Assisted Living

As the American population ages, the number of elder care options has expanded to provide more choices for seniors. They can choose to stay in their own homes, with a range of services provided by caregivers. However, other seniors can benefit from assisted living facilities that have a number of […]


How to Battle Fatigue after a Brain Injury

Almost universally, those who suffer from a brain injury complain of fatigue. This can disrupt lives and make working untenable. We can all empathize with mental fatigue - an afternoon spent reading through a hard textbook or balancing numbers can leave us all feeling exhausted (even though we've been sat […]


What Factors Affect Your Workers’ Productivity?

There are many factors that are said to affect your workers productivity, many of which have had studies conducted supporting the ideas including; temperature, other co-workers, job role, office hours, office facilities, the amount of space and whether they have their own working area or are working in an open […]


Redesigning your Office Space to Increase Staff Morale

Office design can have a direct impact on staff morale which, in turn, will significantly increase productivity. By ensuring your working environment is attractive and well-maintained, your team will be a much happier, more motivated workforce, creating a positive company culture. Additionally, a well-designed office will create a professional impression […]


Should You Push on Through Yoga Injuries?

A yoga class is commonly used to prevent injury in the first place through increasing your flexibility. There are those occasions where you'll actually cause a soft tissue injury by pushing yourself to the max. Injuries won't necessarily cripple you, though. In many cases, it will hurt but it won't […]