Search Results for "main priority"

Mobile devices

iPhone 6 Rumours: What You Need to Know?

The iPhone has been stirring up tech savvy customers since its inception on June 29, 2007. Ever since its spectacular debut, over 7 generations of models have been introduced to the market to great commercial success. The release date of the iPhone is always the most anticipated release date for […]


Setting Up an Archery Facility

Archery has evolved significantly over the years - from a skill for warfare and a mean of recreation in the earlier days to a tension-packed game in recent times. Since the demand for learning archery is increasing with every passing day, the need to set up more up-to-date facilities is […]

Other stories

Daniel Taheri's Professional Profile

Daniel Taheri is a medical doctor who went to David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He specializes in dermatology. He is the owner of LA laser center in California. He has been running the center for over seven years. During this time he has gained a lot of respect […]


The Formal and Informal Aspects of Project Management

There are two main types of project management: formal and informal. Formal project management supposes generating of well-crafted plans and implementing them while informal management is concerned with coordination and motivation of staff to achieve general objectives Formal project management Formal project management involves strategic planning of projects, which is […]