Search Results for "pulmonary"


Why is COPD So Dangerous?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth biggest killer in the United States. 12 million people in the U.S. alone have been diagnosed with COPD and one person with COPD dies every four minutes. Worse still, millions of people have COPD and are unaware of how much danger they […]


Safe and Effective Biliopancreatic Diversion Surgery

Weight loss surgery completely transforms body after altering stomach structure. The most suitable patients are those who have 30 or more BMI, or have type2 diabetes, or have heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, or obstructive sleep apnea. Known by the name ‘Bariatric surgery' it alters body's metabolic process […]


About the Blood Clotting Disorder

Blood clotting is not as bad as to be called a disorder. However, an inherited predisposition in the genes and injuries that may lead to abnormal blood clotting. This can lead to a number of diseases and health issues. Knowing about them can help you recognize the symptoms and take […]


Cardiac Surgery in India-Facts Revealed

The cardiac surgery is the surgery on the heart or the great vessels. This surgery is performed for correcting the congenital heart disease, for treating the complications of the ischemic heart diseases and treat the valvular heart diseases. It will help treating the valvular heart diseases which are caused due to […]


7 Real Ways Your Home is Making you Kick the Bucket

Is your home slowly killing you? Of course it is—after all, that is what all marketing agents tell you. Acidic water! Formaldehyde in mattresses! Fluoride! Electromagnetic voltage! We are constantly bombarded with dubious fearmongering which aims nothing but to sell us useless products. But that’s not to say your home […]


Staying Fit after Cosmetic Breast Surgery

You worked so hard to get that rocking bod, special diet and regular, daily exercises have become an integral part of your life. No wonder you're a bit worried about the rather long (for an active person, this probably feels like ages) post-surgical period of recuperation now that you have […]