Search Results for "printing technology"


Is 3D Printing Hitting Mainstream Now?

To call emerging is a bit of a misnomer for 3D printing or additive manufacturing as the technology has been around for about three decades. What’s interesting is that people around the world were expecting it to be in everyone’s living rooms by 2016 and people sitting on their couches […]


The Latest Trends in Technology

The recent years have seen major improvements in technology, making it very difficult to catch up with the trends. Ground-breaking technologies and new items are introduced to the market almost every day. To stay ahead of the curve, technology giants have to remain in constant struggle and set the market […]


4 Environmental Impacts of 3D Printing

The industrial revolution capitalised on the standardisation of products which resulted in an increased efficiency in manufacturing. However, with the evolution of technology and the conceptualisation of innovative ideas, things have taken a different turn. With the vastly different customer preferences and their rising expectations, the concept of customisation has […]


3D Printing Trends in the Upcoming Years

The 3D printing industry has gained traction over the years. Also known as additive manufacturing, this technology utilises raw materials like plastic, rubber, metals etc. to create functional objects. The design is fed to the printer with the help of a CAD (Computer Aided Design) software and the printer then […]

Real estate

Impact of 3D Printing on Real Estate

Over the years, 3D printing has cooked up quite the storm. With newer developments aiding the growth of this innovative technology, integration of 3D printing in various industries has turned out to be quite common. Many industries have started realizing the immense potential that 3D printing holds. Owing to 3D […]

Other stories

4 Easy Ways to Make Money with 3D Printing

The 3D printing industry has been growing at an exceptionally fast pace. With a variety of improvements being made to the technology to meet the increasing customer expectations, this technology is all set to go mainstream. The 3D printing technology has added a new dimension, literally and figuratively, in manufacturing. […]


A Practical Approach to Cut Printing Costs

It is not uncommon for companies to underestimate or fail to make an accounting of their printing expenses. If your company is one of these, you should know that a company’s expenses for document generation and copying can go as high as 3% of its annual revenues. This is quite […]


The Role of 3D Printing in Saving Life

When the concept of 3D first came into being, it took little time to capture the attention of people. Most people regard it as a manufacturing strategy. People are not wrong either. This is a manufacturing technology but the very idea of creating physical objects from a computer file is […]


What is the Role of 3D Printing in Learning?

In the course of the last few years, 3D or three-dimensional printing has experienced significant development. In the previous year, we have seen an array of improvements made in various technologies, and the very first name that comes to our mind as we speak of technological developments is none other […]