In the course of the last few years, 3D or three-dimensional printing has experienced significant development. In the previous year, we have seen an array of improvements made in various technologies, and the very first name that comes to our mind as we speak of technological developments is none other than 3D print.
The accessibility of 3D printing has increased a lot now. There has also been a significant improvement in the quality of the finished products as well as a range of materials in use for 3D printing.
With so much improvement taking place in the domain of 3D printing, it is quite evident that it will gain a place in classrooms, casting a significant impact upon education. 3D printing is presently used in education as a tool for teaching students at different levels of learning. The teachers today use 3D objects to help the primary school children grasp concepts, refine creative skills in high school, and aid learning technical subjects as well.
Advantages of Using 3D Printing in Education
Though schools are at an early stage of adopting this technology, they are warming up to the idea of using this innovative technology. 3D printing, in fact, offers several opportunities for revolutionising education.
- It provides the teachers with 3 dimensional visual aids that they can use in the classroom chiefly for illustrating a concept that is hard to grasp.
- The 3D printers make it exceptionally easy for the teachers to seize the interest of the students. It is easier to capture the attention of the students by showing them the pictorial representation of some objects rather than following the traditional approaches to learning.
- 3D printing enhances the options of hands-on-learning as well as learning by doing. Making use of the prototyping technology, the students can easily produce realistic three dimensional models. This is chiefly useful for the engineering, architecture as well as multi-media arts students.
- 3D offers more opportunities for interactive class activities. While teaching Biology, the teachers can create 3D models of the human heart or the skeleton.
Here are a few ways by which 3D printing can help the students
Helps with Every Subject
3D printing does not just help to learn Biology, it helps to learn each and every subject. In fact, the beauty of 3D printing lies in the ability to aid learning various subjects.
Archaeology and history become more tangible with the students printing the fossils and artefacts which they are not usually allowed to handle.
Printing the geometric subjects can help the students get interested in Mathematics.
Encourages Collaboration
Since 3D printing is still a new concept to most of the students, the teachers and the parents can use this technology to develop team spirit among children. Using the 3D printers, the teachers and the parents can motivate children to work along with others; this will not just help them to enjoy a great experience, but it will also help them solve problems that they might come across while using the printer. A great example would be encouraging the students or children to enjoy a competition with their friends and see who can design as well as print the craziest invention.
Inspires Inventions as well as Innovations
With the 3D printers, encourage the kids and students to bring ideas to life. For the children interested in architecture, engineering and design, you can help them make prototypes of their ideas as well as creations.
Working with the children for printing parts as well as repairing broken parts around the house or the classroom is one of the best ways to save time as well as money while teaching them, the ways to use the technology.
The printing process facilitates interactive in-class learning. The 3D printers are, in fact, a natural choice for STEM based schools as this initiative helps the students excel in the specific areas of study.
It is often said that 3D printing will bring yet another industrial revolution. We have already seen its impact in fashion, jewellery and architecture. 3D printing has started revolutionising education for students. Instead of making use of linear educational strategies, the teachers are no longer simply transmitting information to the students, but facilitating the learning experience.