Search Results for "Pot' strains"


Discover The Incredible Healing Power Of Kratom

There really may be something to the old saying about “Ancient Chinese Secrets” when you are talking about herbal remedies and medicines. The ancients had only the natural world and its offerings to use for healing. Some of their cures have lasted more than a millennium. Mitragyna Speciosa, or the […]


Does Medical Marijuana Really Work?

When you say medical marijuana, it’s the usual plant that “potheads” roll and smoke like a cigarette in order to get high. The difference is that, medical marijuana refers to using the whole unprocessed plant or its extracts to treat symptoms of illness and various conditions. Unfortunately, medical marijuana is […]


Teaching Teens About Drug Abuse

If you are a teacher in high school or in a middle school, then chances are you have likely talked to your students about alcohol and drugs and the effects they have on the body. However, how many teachers in these levels actually do so? What we mean is taking […]


Top 10 Effective Antifungal Essential Oils

Fungal infection is a lesion in the epidermis of the skin, caused by a variety of fungi. It usually develops in sweating skin areas such as interdigital folds (spaces between fingers or toes), groin, inframammary folds (the places where the breasts and the chest meet), scalp and so on. Anybody […]


Salmonella - a Possible Health Threat

by Justin Corliss In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, baby Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys Scripta Elegans) were commonly available in most pet shops in the United States. These attractive little turtles caught the eye of many fanciers, and thus a large trade existed in them. However, many small children who kept […]


Sports Injuries: When Keep Fit Backfires

Each and every single year, a number of elite level athletes in the United Kingdom (superstar professionals at the top of their game) go down with a variety of different injuries – some of them more ordinary, and some of them quite gruesome – but that kind of just goes […]