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Web design

Best Free Resources for Developers

If you are a web developer, you know that the field is always undergoing significant changes. To cope with the changes, you must be ready to learn new things. You will lag behind if you are not willing to adapt to changes. In this post, we will show you some […]


10 Innovative New Fifts on the Market

Modern technology is always improving, and it’s only natural that some of that technology gets pushed into novelty items and gifts. Things that were impossible a decade ago are now sold as toys and upgraded versions of the things we use in everyday life, but that doesn’t make them any […]


Spotify: How Many Songs May I Save Offline?

The offer of Spotify is great, the selection is enormous with over 30 million songs. As a music lover I am thrilled. I listen to and discover music that I would probably never have heard of otherwise. But of course, the question arises to me: how many songs can I actually store in […]

Web reviews

Premium Coding Themes Review

Premium Coding (PMCoding) is a team of developers who create themes and other things related to WordPress. PMCoding has some of the most beautiful and elegantly designed themes that focus on the content rather than anything else. They deliver users with responsive themes that are carefully designed and looks stunning. […]


Tips to Repair Old Photos Using Photoshop

Photography is about bagging the best moments possible and trying to make them keep going forever. But then what happens when the photograph is old, shabby, or ruined by liquid? Hassle no more! There are ways to save and preserve that photo back to life. To start, you will need […]