Search Results for "strong dental"


8 Things Banned by Customs around the World

Our global world sees millions of packages traveling to all corners of the earth. Countries have their own customs laws which prohibit certain items from crossing their borders (here are the items banned from crossing US borders). The obvious things are drugs, guns, radioactive materials, knives and other dangerous items… […]


Dentists Wish You Need to Knew About Teeth Whitening

Everyone wants a mega-watt smile but teeth whitening isn’t for everyone. Here’s what your dentists wich you should know about teeth whitening before you get gleaming. You’ll need a checkup first Before getting that Hollywood smile, it is vital to have a dental exam for ensuring that your mouth is […]


Nine Unusual Personal Injury Claims

It’s a common scenario that someone will suffer an injury but they won’t claim compensation because they don’t realise that they can. No matter how you got the injury, it’s always worth consulting a solicitor about it, as so long as there was negligence on the part of someone else, […]


Understanding Personal Injury

There is an old saying that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But when it comes to the difference between a car crash and a car accident, that principle may not apply. Some safety advocates want to replace “car accident” with “car crash,” since trains wreck, […]


10 Lesser-known Uses of Lemon Peel

No one would associate health benefits with lemon peels. But you’ll be surprised to know that it is responsible for fighting, preventing and treating many health conditions you wish you never had. So, before you throw out the humble lemon peel next time, think again. Perhaps, you should dry it […]


Time Travel is Possible

Modern astronauts, as we know, are already doing so. However, they travel so far only in the future. And for a split second. But who knows – maybe one day we will be able to fly for years or even centuries ahead or, alternatively, pull over forelock of our five-year […]