Search Results for "Family Court"


Mistakes That Could Lead to Winning Your DUI Case

Being acquitted for the charge of driving under the influence can be the most victorious moment that a criminal defendant may ever experience after going through the complex process of litigation that often requires a sacrifice of money, time, and sometimes job and personal identity. But this is seldom acquired […]


Rights You Should Not Waive During DUI Arrest

Facing the consequences of an arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol or drug is no mean accountability given the possibility of paying fines, doing community work, maintaining ignition interlock device, and spending time in jail. It is thus a major reason behind the "not guilty" plea of defendants […]


An Overview on Domestic Violence

The law in California considers domestic violence as a crime. According to the criminal code section 273.5, accused are required to criminal penalties which include imprisonment and a participation in a 52 week batterer's treatment program. In order to meet the criteria, injuries has to be visible, couple must be […]


What Makes a Great Boss

Bad bosses are like the news…we hear more about them than the good ones. I think it's time to reflect on the good ones we've had (or perhaps still have). Now, perhaps I should be a little more specific as to what I mean by "good boss". I don't mean "good" in […]


How Facebook Has Changed Relationships

Being in a relationship can be a great and wonderful time full of new feelings and adventures. With today's social media platforms however, this can change the dynamic of how we view relationships and what happens when they end. Many relationships today even depend on social networks such as Facebook to […]