Search Results for "exercising"


Top 6 Negative Emotions that Actually Cause Constipation

Who could have thought that being depressed, angry, or anxious makes you susceptible to constipation? There is now a study linking chronic constipation to anxiety and depression. Leading medical experts believe that constipation has an emotional basis. It seems you will have to do more than dietary modifications, exercising and […]


Simple Ways to Improve Your Digestive Health

A lot of people don't realize that their digestive tract is actually the seat of their immune system. Without a healthy digestive system, you'll be more susceptible to a variety of health issues. Therefore, keeping your digestion regular and maintaining gut health is a part of keeping your entire body […]


5 Ways to Look Younger by Aging Gracefully

Getting older comes with many benefits and a few drawbacks. Now that the population is living longer, people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond are putting more emphasis on aging gracefully with an all around better quality of life. One key to aging slower is looking younger. A […]

Elder care

Here's How to Keep Your Brain Young

There's a generally accepted assumption out there that the older you get the more sluggish your brain becomes. The vibrancy of youth gives way to the leathery and forgetfulness of middle age before senility eventually grips us in later life. This need not be the case. The remarkable thing about […]

stressed man screaming

10 Simple Techniques to Release Stress

When you continue adding air to a balloon, it becomes bigger and bigger until it can take no more and, with a loud bang, it gives in to the pressure. Not much remains afterwards. Stress has the same effect on people. Too much, and harmful effects will surely follow. But […]

Other stories

Slips and Falls: Accident at Gym

There are quite a few safety measures a person exercising in a gym must consider to keep accident at gym from happening. It is very simple to exercise and damage a body part. Simply, you will get injury if you don’t have training how to exercise on gym machines. By […]