Search Results for "adjusting"


Benefits of Gas Fired Boilers

Many people think of HVAC systems when it comes to home heating. I learned a lot on the Heating Portland website. This is because electric heaters have become quite common and popular in recent years. However, you can still buy and install gas boilers to provide warmth inside your home […]


How Does a Business Stay Ethical in Hard Times?

The Guardian recently ran a story on The Co-operative Bank, asking the question: “when does an ethical business stop being ethical?” Co-op Bank, after all, just shocked its bondholders twice, first by asking them to absorb losses as Co-op Bank prepared to put its shares on the stock market for […]


Anchor Text in a Post Penguin World

With the Penguin 2.0 update that rocked the SEO world in late May, anchor text became quite a big topic of discussion in the SEO community. What level of exact match anchor text is appropriate to use in a post penguin world? What about partial match anchor text? How do […]


Scald Protection for Your Shower

There is nothing worse than dealing with unruly water temperatures. Whether you are having problems with your water heater not getting the water hot enough, or if it is too scalding hot every time you use it, it is essential to fix. When there are problems with the water temperature […]

Mobile devices

The Most Common IPad Problems

The iPad has been nothing short of a revolutionary success, with new versions regularly sold out within hours of its appearance in any store, and it's not hard to see why. As always, the genius of Apple lies in its ability to please and to satisfy the needs of its […]