Search Results for "surfing"

Data security

How to Respond Against Content Cloning

Some websites copy content from others instead of creating their own. If you are a victim of content cloning, there are several steps you can take to fix it. Have you ever been surfing the web and come across content that seems really familiar? Sometimes, people do write similar articles. […]


The People who Love to Surf!

Do you know who Kelly Slater or Bethany Hamilton or Andy Irons are? Why they live for? What they do? One thing that is common in all of these three people is Surfing. You must be wondering why I am writing this article, it's just because of my keen interest […]


Cool Yoga Poses for Improving Your Surf Skills

Nothing ruins a surf vacation like constantly wiping out and never catching the waves you want. It highlights a weakness on your part. The chances are it's either your muscle power or balance which is letting you down. Believe it or not yoga can really help you develop your power […]


Easy Health Changes Anyone Can Make

Whether you're a resident working over a hundred hours per week in a hospital or you're struggling to squeeze in key family time with the little ones, health is often one of the first things people put on the back burner. It's just easier to pick up some fast food, […]

Travel and living

Why Join a Yacht Club

Floating around the world, living in the lap of luxury, visiting some of the planet’s most beautiful destinations and letting go of all your troubles — does this sound like the perfect holiday to you? If so, then you’re not alone. More and more people are choosing to take to the […]


Mistakes To Avoid When Boat Shopping

People love boating, and it's said that one of the happiest days of a boat owner's life is when the purchase is made. However, the other happiest day is often when the boat is sold. This is because so many first-time boat buyers are so excited about hitting the open […]


The Funniest Websites for 2013

It is extremely easy to wile away hour after hour doing absolutely nothing on the web. Surfing is what we call it. From cat videos to personalized confessions on blogs posted for all the world to see, the Internet is full of deliciously irrelevant procrastination material. Humor certainly plays a […]