Search Results for "athlete"


Care Tips for your Feet

We suppose you never thought about your feet as an admirable things. But if you stop for a moment and do your math, you'll realize that one quarter of your body's bones is located in those two small things. Not only that, they are responsible for taking you from point […]


Some Tips to Perform Better in Indoor Archery

Many feel indoor archery is easier than outdoor archery. It's not entirely true, if an archer doesn't follow the proper methodologies, then even indoor archery becomes difficult for him to handle. Whether you are a novice archer or an experienced one, you need to follow some tips to improve your […]


Getting Fit Old School Style

How do you stay fit when your goal in life isn’t to work in a circus catching cannonballs, win a triathlon, aim for a gold medal in the Olympics or punch out Sylvester Stallone? Do we all have to look like Mr. Universe to stay fit? For those of us […]

Fitness Nutrition

Optimum Nutrition - The World's Favourite Brand

Even if you're new to the fitness scene, it's likely you'll have heard of Optimum Nutrition. It's one of the world's most renowned supplement manufacturers, with the latest technology behind its extensive range of products. When the company was conceived,health consciousness and sports nutrition was less prevalent than it is […]


Embracing Fitness to Become The Best You

Whether it's lusting over that toned stomach after another round of crunches, losing some weight just in time for your holiday, or building up leg muscle for that marathon you signed yourself up for in moment of spontaneity, we all have something we want to improve about our body. There […]


Sports Injuries: When Keep Fit Backfires

Each and every single year, a number of elite level athletes in the United Kingdom (superstar professionals at the top of their game) go down with a variety of different injuries – some of them more ordinary, and some of them quite gruesome – but that kind of just goes […]

Social media

Executives Using Social Media to Promote Philanthropy

Social media is the perfect platform for business people to share their philanthropic activities with the rest of the world. There are websites that are dedicated towards sharing certain interests that are nicely organized with tags, pins and other virtual icons. Wealthy executives often participate in charitable causes that help […]