Search Results for "pepper spray"


How to Determine the Security Needs of Your Business

Security needs are an understated, yet critical aspect of running a successful business. A variety of criminal activities and safety concerns make it imperative for all businesses to consider hiring a professional security presence. While it is almost universally necessary to have some sort of security, the needs of your […]

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9 Tips to Defend Yourself from Muggers

It is a fear for all of us: being mugged or physically attacked by a stranger whilst out in public. These types of attacks can take place just about anywhere and at any time, even in broad daylight within a busy environment. However, most attacks will occur when the victim […]


Tips and Tricks to Rid Gardens of Pests

Summer may be prime gardening season, but autumn’s mild temperatures create ideal conditions for cool-season reaping like lettuce, carrots and cauliflower. These cool-weather crops can make a garden extremely attractive to unwelcome guests. Pests are any living organism which is destructive and invasive to crops, food and livestock, and can […]


A Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Gardening

An indoor garden can be practical as well as beautiful. Aside from being an enjoyable hobby, having plants indoors can brighten a room, and provide fresh oxygenated air. Depending on what you choose to grow, your indoor garden could also offer food for your table, as an assortment of different […]

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Top 9 Home Remedies for Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are known as the benign tumor of the nose and adjacent sinuses which arise from the epithelial tissue. The etiology remains unclear, there are various hypothesis has been proposed though. Some scientists suggest that it may be the result of chronic inflammation of nose, sinusitis or allergy to […]


4 Healthy and Delicious Energy Bar Recipes

Energy bars are the perfect healthy go to snacks to keep you energized on a busy day. Store-bought energy bars, however, can be expensive and filled with not so desirable ingredients including additional sugar. The good news is, you can make your own energy bars and use the ingredients you […]

plant pot

It Starts With A Pot

This is a campaign launched in the summer of 2014 in the UK called “It Starts With A Pot” which encouraged residents to start growing their own veg, herbs and encouraging wildlife into their garden. It was an important campaign that had a strong message, all of these amazing things […]