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How to Create a Conversation Flow for a WhatsApp Chatbot?

WhatsApp chatbot is a type of conversational chatbot that uses WhatsApp as its platform. The chatbot can be used for a variety of purposes such as welcoming new users, sending marketing messages, providing customer service, generating leads, and more.

If you are looking to create a WhatsApp Chatbot that can improve customer relationships, here is everything you need to know.

We will first start with the benefits of using WhatsApp Chatbot and its best practices. Later in this post you will get to know about the importance of creating a conversation flow for your WhatsApp Chatbot and the steps you need to follow to create one.

Best Practices for WhatsApp Chatbots

Create a conversation flow:

Conversation flow defines the goals of your customer interaction. This majorly covers different ways conversations with the chatbot will proceed including the way you will greet the users, what questions you will address and the tone of the messages. It is important to consider all possible use cases and potential queries.

Giving a Human touch to your Chatbot:

To help users connect with the chatbot, it should interact with them the ways a real person does. It includes using language and tone that resonates with your target audience. You can also give a name and personality to your chatbot to create a connection with users and increase their loyalty.

Manage Expectations:

It is important to let users know they are interacting with a chatbot. There are certain queries that require human intervention. The conditions and scenarios that require human involvement should also be clearly defined.

Analyzing the data and making adjustments:

Regularly analyze the data from user interaction to make adjustments and improve your chatbot. The chatbot will need to be optimized regularly to fix any errors and improve customer interactions. By integrating WhatsApp CRM with a WhatsApp Chatbot, businesses can measure the customer communication and use analytics to monitor the performance.

Benefits of using a WhatsApp Chatbot

Automate Customer Service Tasks:

WhatsApp chatbot can be used to answer frequently asked questions, providing self-serve options, handle multiple conversations, etc. This can help reduce human intervention and the workload of customer service agents.

Send Targeted Messages:

It can also be used for sending targeted messages to users based on demographics, interests, and purchase history. This helps businesses personalize marketing campaigns and improve their conversion rates.

Leverage WhatsApp Features:

The chatbot can use the multimedia and interactive features of the WhatsApp to enhance engagement and customer experience. This includes using features such as images, videos, voice notes, emojis, locations and more.

Transfer the Conversation to a Human Agent:

If the chatbot cannot handle the query or the customers’ requests it, the conversation can be transferred to a human agent. This helps increase customer experience as they get the best of both worlds.

Importance of Creating WhatsApp Conversation Flow?

Conversation flow defines the sequences of messages that the chatbot will have with your customers. Creating a conversation flow is important for several reasons.

Improve the user Experience: It helps your chatbot provide relevant and engaging responses to users. This can also help your chatbot handle different scenarios efficiently. A good conversation flow can improve your user experience and make them feel that they are not talking to a machine but a human. Integrating WhatsApp CRM with WhatsApp chatbot allows businesses to store customer data and use it to personalize conversation flows.

Increase the conversions: It can help guide your users to take the desired actions such as booking an appointment, making a purchase or subscribing to a service. A conversation flow can build trust with your users.

Optimize performance: It can help the chatbot understand the user’s intent better to provide appropriate responses and avoid confusions, and repetitions that may frustrate users.

Steps to Create a Conversation Flow for WhatsApp Chatbot

Define your Chatbot Goals:

Decide what you want to achieve by using the chatbot, whether it is providing customer support, sending marketing messages, or collecting data. You should also identify target users, their needs and preferences to create a conversation flow.

Choose a Trigger:

A trigger can be a keyword or command that will start a conversation between your user and chatbot. You can create a custom trigger or choose a predefined option such as start, help, stop, etc. The trigger should be clear and relevant to your goals.

Create Chatbot Messages and Responses:

The next step is to create the messages and responses that your chatbot will send to the users such as welcome messages, questions, answers, images, files and more. The responses should be simple and engaging and resonate with your brand.

Create Different Paths and Scenarios:

To create a conversation flow that can handle different inputs and scenarios, logic and branching are essential. This defines the rules that determine the response of your chatbot to different inputs. It helps match the user intent with the most appropriate response. Additionally, it can help tailor the responses based on user behavior and needs.

Chatbot testing and Improvement:

It is critical to test the functionality and usability of your chatbot. You can test the chatbot with real or stimulated users and collect data to identify areas of improvement. This will help in enhancing the overall functionality while applying CRM WhatsApp.


It is important to be flexible while creating conversation flow to accommodate unexpected questions, you can start with a simple conversation flow and add complexity as needed. Also, analyze the customer data to personalize the response and improve the customer experience. Kommo can help you improve the efficiency of your communication process with their WhatsApp CRM support feature.

If you have any questions, please ask below!