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5 Surprising Facts on Medical and Recreational Cannabis

If you’re wondering how a Medical & Recreational Cannabis Dispensary works, you may have some questions. This article will answer some of your most common concerns and help you determine if a Medical & Recreational Cannabis Dispensary is right for you.


You may have heard that medical and recreational Marijuana dispensary in Bremerton is becoming increasingly popular. However, there are many unknowns. So here are ten surprising facts about medical and recreational cannabis.

While marijuana is generally safe, it has some unpleasant side effects. Some people experience anxiety, paranoia, or even an extreme psychotic reaction.

Using marijuana regularly can also increase lung infection risk for people with a compromised immune system. It can also raise the chances of having a heart attack.


When it comes to Medical & Recreational Cannabis Dispensaries, there are a lot of things to consider. One thing to remember is that it’s essential to learn about the laws and regulations of your state. Asking your doctor is the best method to accomplish this.

Another surprising fact is that marijuana is not always high in THC. Many people find that cannabis can reduce pain and help them sleep.

There are several different cannabinoids found in marijuana, but tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the best-known. It’s the substance that gives people a “high.” However, it also has anti-inflammatory properties, which may benefit patients suffering from arthritis or Lupus.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS)

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a medical condition in which repeated episodes of nausea and vomiting are associated with chronic marijuana use. Other symptoms, including chronic pain, can sometimes accompany this syndrome.

It is a chronic condition, and patients may be required to stop using cannabis. The first step in treating CHS is to identify and eliminate the source of the problem. Possible causes include dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and gastrointestinal problems.

Inflammation turns into a silent killer

The fact that one of the most frequently cited ailments is chronic inflammation is not something to take lightly. It is the underlying cause of more than 80 debilitating autoimmune diseases and contributes to cancer in many cases. Drugs used to suppress chronic inflammation are largely ineffective and have many side effects.

A new study published in the journal Pharmacology has found that cannabis has some health benefits. Specifically, the most touted effect is reducing symptoms and hospitalizations for patients with several common medical conditions.

Marijuana is used to treat glaucoma

It is estimated that around 60 million people are affected by glaucoma. This eye condition affects the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss. Traditionally, patients are treated with eye drops to reduce pressure inside the eye. However, some experts believe that medical cannabis can provide a more effective glaucoma treatment.

The first study conducted on the connection between marijuana and glaucoma was in the 1970s. Researchers found that marijuana reduced pressure in the eye by up to 30 percent. Despite these positive results, there has been little research on its long-term effects on glaucoma.

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