Search Results for "frustrations"

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How Flowers can Help with Your Well Being

There’s a reason why flower delivery businesses are the busiest during Valentine’s day and it’s no coincidence that “florist bouquet” is one of the most-searched words in the day of love. Flowers, and not only on St. Valentine’s day, can do wonders to one’s well being. And while their aesthetic […]


How to Relax Before Going to Bed

When you’re stressed from the frustrations of the day, it can be difficult to figure out how to unwind before bed. We’ve all had those nights where we spend the entirety of the evening staring up at the ceiling, wishing for slumber to overtake you. But as soon as you […]

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Is Smoking Cannabis and Driving Actually Dangerous?

Contrary to popular belief we have gotten a lot better at enjoying mind-altering substances responsibly. The older generations had much higher rates of drinking and driving for example. indicates that, “In 2017, the rate of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities per 100,000 population was 3.4, representing a 63% decrease since 1982, […]


5 Steps to Restarting Your Career in Law

Do you want to restart your career in law? Well, you have to consider flexibility as well as offering excellent customer service. Making your career in law more flexible involves working in a law firm that appreciates what you bring to the table. Even though restarting a career path is […]


Keep the Learning Alive Over the Summer

Projects for everyone involved with the education process Right now, is the time that children are thinking about summer vacation. Thinking about playing with their friends, watching TV and playing video games with the relaxed rules that the end of the school year brings. Parents are thinking about how to […]