
How to Relax Before Going to Bed

When you’re stressed from the frustrations of the day, it can be difficult to figure out how to unwind before bed. We’ve all had those nights where we spend the entirety of the evening staring up at the ceiling, wishing for slumber to overtake you. But as soon as you close your eyes, the stresses of the day circle in your brain. Well, we’ve got some tips to help you battle your stress and anxiety so you can enjoy a more successful and restorative night of sleep.

Exercise during the day

Exercise is one of the first things that falls off our list of priorities when we’re busy. However, getting active for at least thirty minutes each day can not only improve your mental health and provide a mood boost, but it can also help you fall asleep faster each night.

If you need help getting motivated to be more active, you might want to look into investing in an activity tracker. Some activity trackers can even send you little nudges if you’ve been a little too sedentary during the day. Getting those reminders can be enough motivation to actually get out and exercise.

Need some inspiration for getting active? Take a look at some of our exercise suggestions below:

  • Running: There are plenty of apps available that can help you structure a training plan like Run Coach and work up to a certain distance. Whether that distance is a 5k, 10k, or marathon – it doesn’t matter. These apps will help you gain that feeling of accomplishment you’ve been searching for.
  • Biking: All you need is a helmet, a bike, and a bike-friendly road. Use an app like Strava or RidewithGPS to plan your routes and get out there.
  • Jump rope: If you want to try some HIIT workouts, using a jump rope for high-intensity cardio intervals is a great way to experiment with this popular workout.
  • Yoga: Whether you pay for an online class subscription or you just use free yoga videos, there are plenty of resources online you can use to practice yoga.

Exercise is a great way to reduce your stress and anxiety, so you can focus on the positive aspects of life instead. Feeling sore? CBDfx makes CBD cream for pain relief that can make it easier to unwind after a workout.

Practice self-care rituals and good sleep hygiene before bed

If you’re feeling anxious and distracted before going to sleep, you should take some time to focus on yourself rewind. Here are a few ways you can relax and reduce anxiety:

  • Warm bath: Taking a warm bath can help relax tense muscles. Add some bubble bath and a bath bomb and you’ve got a spa-like experience in your very own home! For added ambience, consider lighting some candles and putting on some relaxing music.
  • Avoid blue light: Blue light is the enemy of your circadian rhythm. Blue light is emitted from almost every digital device including your phone and computer. Avoid looking at any screens up to two hours before bedtime.
  • Meditate: Meditating is one of the best practices to calm your mind in the evening. Use an app like HeadSpace if you don’t know where to start.

Pay attention to your food

Believe it or not, what you eat can have a big effect on your mood. It’s very important to ensure you’re eating a well-rounded diet, so your body and brain get all the nutrients necessary to keep all the pistons firing, so to speak. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by cooking, you can order a meal kit service that makes whipping up dinner easier than ever. While good food won’t stop a panic attack, eating well can be one less thing you worry about.

Takeaways: Learn how to relax, one day at a time

If you’re feeling stressed, everything might seem overwhelming to you – even normal, everyday activities. Going to bed can suddenly seem like an insurmountable problem rather than something to look forward to. However, by incorporating some of the tips in this article, like exercising and engaging in self-care, you can regain control over your bedtime. It takes practice to live in a more mindful, calming way but doing so can have positive effects on your happiness.

One Comment

  1. What a helpful resource on how to unwind before bed! I think many people have trouble falling asleep due to stress and anxious thoughts. In this case, I would recommend visiting the spa, where there are various relaxation treatments such as massage, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, yoga, etc. All of these techniques will help you relax, reduce stress levels, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

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