**This article is specifically made for students who face a host of problems while tackling math problems on their own. If you are one who belongs to the same category, pay attention carefully.
An effective approach to a math problem is based on a certain set of techniques. You need to go through them as thoroughly as possible and hone your problem-solving skills in that manner so that you can benefit well in the long run.
So let’s begin.
- First things first: do not think of a math numerical problem as a part of your “PROBLEM”
It might sound a bit too paradox to you, but the fact is, the moment you start thinking of a numerical problem as a part of your problem, you start doubting yourself about the solution. Sometimes, you may even start panicking halfway, thinking that you are lost and give up at the same time.
If you nurse a similar mentality, you need to change it as soon as possible. Always think of math problems as a part of your solution, and you might just get the actual solution at a moment’s notice.
- Define the problem as clearly as possible
Sometimes the math problem can get the better of you. It’s not unnatural at all, and you are not the only person in the world who has failed to solve such a problem on your own. Calm down and try to keep your frustrations at bay in the best possible manner.
Tell yourself that yes; today you have lost. But tomorrow, with a little bit of more practice and help, you will definitely get the better of the problem itself. Acceptance is a beautiful thing indeed; one that can boost your self-confidence at the same time.
- Try solutions from different angles
Trial and error methods can sometimes bring the best out of you. It can also play a huge hand in improving your critical problem-solving skills.
So don’t hesitate to use it.
Implement your critical thinking skills in the best possible way. Always go in with a primary plan and a few more back up plans (just in case). If plan A fails, there’s plan B for you. If B fails, there’s C. If C fails, it’s time for help.
- Only the best solution counts
A numerical problem can have several solutions. But your priority must be to find out the simplest and the shortest (the best solution) of the lot.
Try to prepare your mentality in this fashion to benefit more in the long run.
- Prepare for failure
You can’t succeed all the time. Failure’s bound to come your way in one way or the other. And hence, you need to prepare yourself for the same.
Learn to accept failure in the best possible manner. Remember, failure is not a sin. It’s actually a part of your lessons. It gives you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and move on with your life. Apply the same principle in your math practice, and you’ll improve in no time.
- Know whether you are progressing or not
Are you really making progress? Or are you stuck in a loop going round and round in circles?
You need to find out the answers first. If it’s the latter, you need to change your approach as soon as possible. Time is a key factor indeed. You can’t just give a particular sum your entire day; can you?
However difficult it might appear to be, give it your best once, twice, thrice and then stop. If you can’t solve it on your third attempt, note the sum down for further reference and move on to the next. This does help you know.
- Set imaginary deadlines
Like we said before, time is an important factor that, when ignored can really affect your performance in the worst possible way.
Always remember to set deadlines in your mind while practicing mathematical problems. It’s like algebra for an hour, trigonometry for 30minutes and so on. And don’t forget to stick to it at all possible costs. A constructive step like that can save you a lot of hassle for tomorrow.
A final word…
Never read math problems in any way whatsoever. You need to practice them in the old-fashioned way to improve your performance in the long run i.e. writing them down on a piece of paper and solving the same within a designated time frame. So ensure you do the same in your math practice classes.
That’s all for now then folks. Hope you had a good and useful read.